"Beat the rookie with the Veteran"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

David Broder... the "dean of the Washington Press Corps" says Americans will question whether to trust Obama...

after the last two weeks' events, centered on: 1) his refusal to debate Sen. McCain and take questions from the American people, and 2) his breaking his word on campaign $$ in the general election. The full article here, this is the conclusion:

But it's also the case that the multiple joint town meetings McCain proposed would be a real service to the public and that suspending the dollar-chase for the duration of the campaign, as McCain but not Obama will do, would be a major step toward establishing the credibility of the election process.

By refusing to join McCain in these initiatives in order to protect his own interests, Obama raises an important question: Has he built sufficient trust so that his motives will be accepted by the voters who are only now starting to figure out what makes him tick?

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