"Beat the rookie with the Veteran"

Friday, October 10, 2008

Why the bombing isn't the most important thing...

National Review's Andy McCarthy on why, while Ayers hasn't been a terrorist for a long while, more importantly, he's a radical leftist revolutionary TODAY.

When Obama is consorting with leftist revolutionaries regularly in his church, in his social activities and in his community activities it tells you more about what he believes and where he's comfortable that what he tells you publicly. McCain, on the other hand, regularly hangs out with Joe Lieberman, Lindsey Graham, and a number of Navy Veterans.

As my Mom always told me when I was growing up: "Your friends make your reputation"...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCarthy if totally on target - it's their shared radical socialist philosophy that is the problem. If voters look at Obama's proposed poliicies closely, examples abound: big government, higher taxes, wealth distribution. Is this the key to getting out of this economic crisis? Do we really want to elect a socialist to the White House? I certainly don't.