"Beat the rookie with the Veteran"

Friday, March 7, 2008

LA Times on McCain's team and their loyalty...

I love this article on McCain's "Sedona Five" of Salter, Davis, Black, Schmidt and McKinnon. A bit of the flavor:

The journey from that moment [the campaign's collapse last July] to capturing the Republican nomination Tuesday night was propelled by many factors beyond McCain's control. McKinnon said it was like drawing to an inside straight over and over.

The Iraq troop "surge," which McCain had advocated, gained support. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee emerged as a serious candidate and beat former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in Iowa. Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani essentially pulled out of New Hampshire, clearing McCain's way. Romney abandoned South Carolina, helping McCain to victory there, which gave him the momentum to win Florida.

But before all that, McCain's comeback was largely engineered by a team that grew out of the summer collapse, who are jokingly called the "Sedona five" because of their strategy sessions at McCain's Arizona cabin.


Anonymous said...

Good job on a fine McCain pro site. Keep up the excellent reportage. We’ll be checking in daily to see what’s up here.

In the interim, take a look at the secret Democrat Agenda we’ve uncovered. It’s the opening sequence for the Dem convention. Be sure not to miss our exclusive scoop, and be sure to forward to your pro-McCain friends.

an MV08 McCain Blog

Al Czervic,

Jeter said...


Thanks for the kind words. The Dems are working up some attacks, and we'll have to be prepared. They're spending a lot of ammunition with intra-party process, attacks and fights. The MI and FL process is taking a lot of time and money from them as well.

As you can see, I'm cautiously optimistic.