"Beat the rookie with the Veteran"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Proud of your country? Say it for McCain on a T-Shirt!

Wilson, Brad and I had a conversation about making T-Shirts in response to Michelle Obama's "proud of my country" statement.

We have some connections to a T-Shirt guy, so if there is any interest in this, we should sell these. We have two possible designs here.

Design one:

Front: "I'm proud of my country..."

Back: "and it's not the first time."

Design two:

Front: "I'm proud of my country..."

Back: "always have been... always will be."

Below the letters on the back, will be "NY for McCain"

Ideas? Comments? Anyone want to pledge to buy the first 20??


Anonymous said...

I like your T-shirt idea and will try to work on a good design for our state (Maryland) and coalition down here. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I just saw on www.McCainShop.com that they have a custom orders section. I ordered from them last Thursday and received my stuff yesterday. I ordered stuff from the store on the official site over 3 weeks ago and still have not received it. Anyone else having a problem with that?

colecurtis said...

Hey you guys welcome aboard I usually try to hit all the new sites and meet and greet but school takes up a large portion of my time but a delayed welcome.