"Beat the rookie with the Veteran"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama campaign just admitted... theme of tonight "Back to the 70s"!

Just overhead on MSNBC's Morning Joe... Obama Chief Spokesman Robert Gibbs when asked "Will Barack Obama be wearing a toga tonight??"... "Actually, it's a whole Animal House theme we're going for tonight"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rendell... symbol of Hillary's supporters compares Sen. Obama to Adlai Stevenson...

The remorse is strong in a large part of the Democrat audience...

More of the "Race Card"...

If you have doubts about a guy with little national experience and no record of executive accomplishment, you must be a racist.

If you like a guy with extensive bi-partisan legislative accomplishment, with a record of service as a war hero, an unquestioned patriot who has national security credentials in his bones, you must be a racist.

I am so sick of this crap...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Barron's on the McCain/Obama dueling Economic Policies...

Barrons provides expert analysis on the McCain and Obama tax and economic policies. They are not kind to the outcomes should Sen. Obama's tax plans become law.

Capital -- and the attendant jobs and economic activity that go with it -- will flow out of the United States if we make taxes higher on capital and business. Money is mobile and it will flow toward the lowest tax and highest stability country. We must understand that we're in a competition and compete, or we will be the losers...

Key section (my emphasis):

In McCain and Obama, the electorate is presented with dueling visions of what shape the economy, and particularly the nation's tax structure, should take. Obama's stated belief is that the best way to revitalize America is by raising taxes on the rich and redistributing wealth to the poor and middle class. McCain, in contrast, would retain all of President Bush's tax cuts, including those for the wealthy, and cut corporate taxes markedly, with the aim of boosting investment in businesses and creating jobs.

Whichever concept prevails will have profound implications for the economy over the next decade. And, if Obama's plan prevails, it could well be for the worse. While both candidates' proposals have their pros and cons, Obama's appears to have a few too many cons. There's no question about that if you happen to be in the top 1% of income-tax payers. According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the Obama plan would boost the average tax bill for that group by $93,709, to $652,890. McCain's plan would reduce that group's average by $48,862 to $510,319.

But far more is at stake than the size of any single fat cat's tax bill. With adjusted gross incomes totaling $2 trillion, or $1.6 million per capita, the top 1% of taxpayers account for more than 20% of all adjusted gross income. And these folks tend to plow a lot of their money into businesses -- from family operations to blue-chip stocks -- to say nothing of shopping trips and travel. In other words, cutting their after-tax income could deal another blow to an already-hobbled economy.

The problem would only be compounded by Obama's stand on capital-gains and dividends taxes -- he'd hike them both. He also would institute a more onerous estate tax than McCain would.

It's almost as if Obama wants to repeat the mistakes of Herbert Hoover. During the Great Depression, Hoover raised the top marginal rate to 63% from 25% and hiked corporate taxes, too, says Michael Aronstein, chief investment strategist at Oscar Gruss & Son in New York. The moves siphoned needed investment capital out of the markets and into the hands of bureaucrats, delaying the turnaround.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Let the Joe Biden clips begin...

Here's one... he apparently can make psychological evaluations from the podium of a debate...

I think no matter who Sen. McCain picks, the Obama/Biden ticket will exceed us in at least these three categories:

1) Verbiage... I'm unable to find the clip of Sen. Biden at the Sam Alito confirmation hearings, but it was 15 minutes of him talking and zero questions.

2) Self-Regard... here's (likely one of many of) Biden's macaca moments...

3) Arrogance... this is an old, but telling one...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mac seizes the momentum...

The events of the last two weeks have shifted the playing field in Sen. McCain's direction. Thank you Sgt. Schmidt!

David Gergen on CNN 360 writes Obama is in need of a game changer...

From my perspective, I'm not sure he has one since he's been spending all of his time picking out furniture for the White House, and putting "Obama Seals" all over the walls in his vacation house in Hawaii...

Is Hillary the VP choice??

I have two favorite political/cultural online commentators. The first and original is Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.

The second, especially for political matter is Mark Halperin at "The Page" at Time magazine's website.

Mr. Halperin outdoes himself here with rampant speculation that Hillary will be the Obama VP pick. Click all the way through to see his brilliant analysis...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

James Taranto at WSJ nails it...

This is worth reprinting in its entirety:

Talk About Audacity!

By JAMES TARANTOAugust 19, 2008

Speaking before the Veterans of Foreign Wars this morning, Barack Obama delivered an amazing show of chutzpah. John McCain had addressed the VFW yesterday, and as the Associated Press reports, he was predictably critical of Obama:

McCain . . . said Obama "tried to legislate failure" in the Iraq war and had put his ambition to be president above the interests of the United States. He said the Illinois senator did this by pushing for a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq and by voting in the Senate against a major appropriations bill to help fund the troop increase.

Here is Obama's reply:

"One of the things that we have to change in this country is the idea that people can't disagree without challenging each other's character and patriotism. I have never suggested that Sen. McCain picks his positions on national security based on politics or personal ambition. I have not suggested it because I believe that he genuinely wants to serve America's national interest. Now, it's time for him to acknowledge that I want to do the same. . . ."

Of course, if Obama were to accuse McCain of picking his positions on national security based on politics or personal ambition, everyone would laugh, because it obviously is not true. By contrast, there is quite a bit of evidence that Obama has placed political expediency above national security (for an excellent example, see our item yesterday on his shifting explanations for his original opposition to the liberation of Iraq).

In politics one often hears the charge of hypocrisy: My opponent criticizes me for X, but he has done Y, which is just as bad or worse. Obama's argument here, though, is roughly opposite in form. He concedes that McCain is above reproach on this particular subject and therefore demands that McCain treat him as if he were beyond reproach. Obama's acknowledgment of a McCain virtue is well and good, but it does not mitigate or excuse his own shortcoming.

New National Poll...

LA Times/Bloomberg... 45 Obama 43 McCain (within the margin of error)...

Headline: Barack Obama's image suffers under John McCain attacks, poll finds

The leading paragraphs:

Barack Obama's public image has eroded this summer amid a daily onslaught of attacks from Republican rival John McCain, leaving the race for the White House statistically tied, according to a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll released today.

Far more voters say McCain has the right experience to be president, the poll found. More than a third have questions about Obama's patriotism.

Sen. Biden promised to "campaign together" with McCain for 30 days if the nominee...

His promise, along with Sen. Obama's promise to debate Sen. McCain "Anytime/Anywhere" was clearly not worth much... (that should be one of the first questions Sen. Biden is asked... "Were you consulted by Sen. Obama about participating in joint town-hall events?)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

On Saddleback...

The first joint forum for Sens. McCain and Obama is over. John McCain shined... A roundup of reactions from around the web.

Apparently, if you oppose Barack Obama you're a racist...

Washington Post's Colbert King's column is clear. Right, Colbert, it's not about his plan to raise taxes, increase the size of government and his total of 143 days of national experience... there could only be one reason.

Additionally, it has nothing to do with the fact that John McCain is the most qualified Presidential candidate in my lifetime, who I generally agree with on policy. There could only be one reason. This stuff is getting old... and offensive.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Howard Dean and the Democrats continue to play the race card...

DNC Chair Dean plays dirty on behalf of Obama:

The Boston Globe reports that on NPR today the national chairman of the Democrats' called the Republican Party the "white" party:

"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the Republican Party,” Dean said at one point.

Uh... if that was true Howard you'd be invited to the Party... after that comment, you're not.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Once again, the Times shills for the Obama campaign...

The Times continues to define "beclown"... "Independent Journalism" no longer exists at this piece of trash...

Mr. Egan writes an editorial comparing Roosevelt and McCain and says McCain bears no relation. Let me count the ways that this editorial is embarrassing in it's lack of completeness and mischaracterization:

1) Mr. Egan fails to mention, except in passing about foreign policy, Mr. McCain's military service, which is an omission as broad as the Grand Canyon.

2) Mr. Egan also fails to mention, when speaking of Pres. Roosevelt's environmentalism that Sen. McCain continues to be one of the very few elected Republicans that supports a cap-and-trade program to stem global warming.

3) Mr. Egan claims that Pres. Roosevelt was a "celebrity", similar to Sen. Obama. He fails to dig further to understand that Roosevelt's celebrity stemmed from something other than his running for President and his speeches.

Finally, Mr. Egan concludes with this stupidity, which is straight out of the Obama campaign playbook:

The John McCain of old — who stood up to his party’s nasty demagogues, fought special interests and embodied the word maverick — was someone Roosevelt might admire.

The John McCain who ran a Paris Hilton ad, mocked Obama for inspiring people abroad and has proposed nothing to right the ship of economic inequality would be his fierce opponent.

Seriously, New York Times, was this passage actually written by David Axelrod?? It would only be more complete if it included some reference to his similarity to President Bush, or "More of the Same" or "McBush" or "McSame", and included an O symbol... Please!

Sen. McCain on Georgia...

This -- in today's Wall Street Journal -- is the type of leadership we need in the White House. Sometimes "negotiations" are not where you start. When Russia engages in bald military aggression against one of our democratic allies, the best first approach is "Don't Make me have to Come Over There..." Then you have some diplomatic leverage... and then you can begin negotiating. Otherwise, you end up looking like the French.

A portion:

Despite a French-brokered cease-fire -- which worryingly does not refer to Georgia's territorial integrity -- Russian attacks have continued. There are credible reports of civilian killings and even ethnic cleansing as Russian troops move deeper into Georgian territory.

Moscow's foreign minister revealed at least part of his government's aim when he stated that "Mr. Saakashvili" -- the democratically elected president of Georgia -- "can no longer be our partner. It would be better if he went." Russia thereby demonstrated why its neighbors so ardently seek NATO membership.

In the wake of this crisis, there are the stirrings of a new trans-Atlantic consensus about the way we should approach Russia and its neighbors. The leaders of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Latvia flew to Tbilisi to demonstrate their support for Georgia, and to condemn Russian aggression. The French president traveled to Moscow in an attempt to end the fighting. The British foreign minister hinted of a G-8 without Russia, and the British opposition leader explicitly called for Russia to be suspended from the grouping.

The world has learned at great cost the price of allowing aggression against free nations to go unchecked. A cease-fire that holds is a vital first step, but only one. With our allies, we now must stand in united purpose to persuade the Russian government to end violence permanently and withdraw its troops from Georgia. International monitors must gain immediate access to war-torn areas in order to avert an even greater humanitarian disaster, and we should ensure that emergency aid lifted by air and sea is delivered.

We should work toward the establishment of an independent, international peacekeeping force in the separatist regions, and stand ready to help our Georgian partners put their country back together. This will entail reviewing anew our relations with both Georgia and Russia. As the NATO secretary general has said, Georgia remains in line for alliance membership, and I hope NATO will move ahead with a membership track for both Georgia and Ukraine.

At the same time, we must make clear to Russia's leaders that the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world require their respect for the values, stability and peace of that world. The U.S. has cancelled a planned joint military exercise with Russia, an important step in this direction.

The Georgian people have suffered before, and they suffer today. We must help them through this tragedy, and they should know that the thoughts, prayers and support of the American people are with them. This small democracy, far away from our shores, is an inspiration to all those who cherish our deepest ideals. As I told President Saakashvili on the day the cease-fire was declared, today we are all Georgians. We mustn't forget it.

One more from the National Review on Georgia...

America has holstered her guns... what opportunities does this present to our adversaries?

Kathleen Parker has some letters to Vlad...

She hits all three of these out of the park...

Seth Leinsohn of the National Review calls this just right...

Aggressive in Perspective

With the Obama campaign saying McCain's statements about Georgia are "aggressive" and "belligerent" and "very aggressive" and "very belligerent" at that, it might be time to remind ourselves of Harry Jaffa's words, written for Barry Goldwater once upon a time: "Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

I think it should be noted that nothing McCain has said is as aggressive as the actions of Russia. It strikes me odd right now to complain of aggressive words in the defense of democracy rather than condemning aggressive actions against a democracy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moscow's Sinister Brilliance...

Victor Davis Hanson on the well planned attack of US ally Georgia...

GOP Convention Theme Revealed...

Putting Country First...

the theme of Sen. McCain's life will be the theme in Minnesota. Expect lots of touching biographicals and stories of where Sen. McCain put his country before his own self-interest...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sen. McCain's comments today about the situation in Georgia...

“Americans wishing to spend August vacationing with their families or watching the Olympics may wonder why their newspapers and television screens are filled with images of war in the small country of Georgia.
Concerns about what occurs there might seem distant and unrelated to the many other interests America has around the world. And yet Russian aggression against Georgia is both a matter of urgent moral and strategic importance to the United States of America. Georgia is an ancient country at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and one of the world’s first nations to adopt Christianity as an official religion. After a brief period of independence following the Russian revolution, the Red Army forced Georgia to join the Soviet Union in 1922. As the Soviet Union crumbled at the end of the Cold War, Georgia regained its independence in 1991.

But its early years were marked by instability, corruption and economic crises. Following fraudulent parliamentary elections in 2003, a peaceful Democratic revolution took place. Led by the US educated lawyer, Mikheil Saakashvili, the Rose revolution changed things dramatically and following his election, President Saakashvili embarked on a series of wide ranging and successful reforms. I’ve met with President Saakashvili many times, including several trips to Georgia. What the people of Georgia have accomplished in terms of Democratic governance, Western orientation and domestic reform, is nothing short of remarkable. That makes Russia’s recent actions against the Georgians all the more alarming. In the face of Russian aggression, the very existence of independent Georgia and the survival of its democratically elected government are at stake. In recent days Moscow has sent its tanks and troops across the internationally recognized border into the Georgian region of South Ossetia. Statements by Moscow that it was merely aiding the Ossetians are belied by reports of Russian troops in the region of Abkhazia, repeated Russian bombing raids across Georgia, and reports of a de facto Russian naval blockade of the Georgian coast. Whatever tensions and hostilities might have existed between Georgians and Ossetians, they in no way justify Moscow’s path of violent aggression. Russian actions in clear violation of international law have no place in 21st century Europe.

The implications of Russian actions go beyond their threat to the territorial integrity and independence of a Democratic Georgia. Russia is using violence against Georgia in part to intimidate other neighbors such as Ukraine for choosing to associate with the west and adhering to Western political and economic values. As such, the fate of Georgia should be of grave concern to Americans and all people who welcome the end of a divided Europe and the independence of former Soviet Republics.

The international response to this crisis will determine how Russia manages its relationships with other neighbors. We have other important interests, strategic interests, at stake in Georgia, especially the continued flow of oil through the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which Russia attempted to bomb in recent days. The operation of a critical communication and trade route from Georgia through Azerbaijan and Central Asia, and the integrity and influence of NATO, whose members reaffirmed last April the territorial integrity, independence, and sovereignty of Georgia. Yesterday, Georgia withdrew its troops from South Ossetia, and offered a ceasefire. The Russians responded by bombing a civilian airport in Georgia’s capital, Tblisi, and by stepping up its offensive in Abkhazia. This pattern of attack appears aimed not at restoring any status quo ante in South Ossetia, but rather toppling the Democratically elected government of Georgia. This would be unacceptable to all the Democratic countries of the world, and should draw us together in universal condemnation of Russian aggression. Russian President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin must understand the severe long-term negative consequences that their government’s actions will have for Russia’s relationship with the United States and Europe.

It is time we moved forward with a number of steps. The United States and our allies should continue efforts to bring a resolution before the United Nations Security Council condemning Russian aggression, noting the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia, and calling for an immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgian territory. We should move ahead with a resolution despite Russian veto threats and submit Russia to the court of world public opinion. NATO’s North Atlantic Council should convene in emergency session to demand a ceasefire and begin discussions on both the deployment of an international peacekeeping force to South Ossetia and the implications for NATO’s future relationship with Russia, a partnership for peace nation. NATO’s decision to withhold a membership action plan for Georgia might have been viewed as a green light by Russia for its attacks on Georgia, and I urge the NATO allies to revisit the decision. The secretary of state should begin high level diplomacy, including visiting Europe to establish a common Euro-Atlantic position aimed at ending the war and supporting the independence of Georgia. With the same aim, the United States should coordinate with our partners in Germany, France and Britain to seek an emergency meeting of the G-7 foreign ministers to discuss the current crisis. The visit of French president Sarkozy to Moscow this week is a welcome expression of trans-Atlantic activism. Working with allied partners, the U.S. should immediately consult with the Ukrainian government and other concerned countries on steps to secure their continued independence. This is particularly important as a number of Russian Black Sea Fleet vessels currently in Georgian territorial waters are stationed at Russia’s base in the Ukrainian Crimea. The U.S. should work with Azerbaijan and Turkey and other interested friends to develop plans to strengthen the security of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. The U.S. should send immediate economic and humanitarian assistance to help mitigate the impact the invasion has had on the Georgian people. Our united purpose should be to persuade the Russian government to cease its attack, withdraw its troops, and enter into negotiations with Georgia. We must remind Russia’s leaders that the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world require their respect for the values, stability and peace of the world.

World history is often made in remote, obscure countries. It is being made in Georgia today. It is the responsibility of the leading nations of the world to ensure that history continues to be a record of humanity’s progress toward respecting the values and security of free people. Thank you. This is the total of my recommendations for right now.’’

Energy: The voters agree with McCain's policy

A new poll shows that McCain's priority of developing our domestic natural resources is considered an urgent national need by 81% of Americans.

67% of Americans understand that McCain shares the priority of finding new sources of energy, while only 29% believe Obama holds that view.

This is the key issue of the campaign, and McCain owns it.

Why we need experience in the White House

Bobby Jindal on the Russian aggression in Georgia...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

War in the Caucasus

Joshua Trevino of the Nixon Presidential Foundation on where the Russia/Georgia standoff is headed.

Friday, August 8, 2008

McCain Statement on Georgia-Russia Conflict

For Immediate Release

ARLINGTON, VA – U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement regarding the current conflict between Georgia and Russia:

“Today, news reports indicate that Russian military forces crossed an internationally-recognized border into thesovereign territory of Georgia. Russia should immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations and withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory. What is most critical now is to avoid further confrontation between Russian and Georgian military forces. The consequences for Euro-Atlantic stability and security are grave.

“The government of Georgia has called for a cease-fire and for a resumption of direct talks on South Ossetia with international mediators. The U.S. should immediately convene an emergency session of the United Nations Security Council to call on Russia to reverse course. The U.S. should immediately work with the EU and the OSCE to put diplomatic pressure on Russia to reverse this perilous course it has chosen. We should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation. Finally, the international community needs to establish a truly independent and neutral peacekeeping force in South Ossetia.”

It's Simple...

Charles Krauthammer: Drill and Conserve... a comprehensive solution. Maybe we could call it "The Lexington Project"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Who is the man behind the curtain??

Media pundits begin to wonder...

My favorite quote is from historically liberal columnist from the Washington Post Richard Cohen:

He has been for and against gun control, against and for the recent domestic surveillance legislation and, in almost a single day, for a united Jerusalem under Israeli control and then, when apprised of U.S. policy and Palestinian chagrin, against it. He is an accomplished pol — a statement of both admiration and a bit of regret.

A reporter actually tests Obama on Energy...

this shows the thinness of Obama's program on energy and principles:

The New York Times "Smear McCain" campaign continues...

This from Maureen Dowd's column today... seriously???:

"McCain could dismiss W. as a lightweight, but he knows Obama’s smart. Obama wrote his own books, while McCain’s were written by Salter. McCain knows he’s the affirmative action scion of admirals who might not have gotten through Annapolis without being a legacy."

I guess if forced to tear this apart, rather than just letting the smear speak for itself, while Salter helped by ghost writing the amazing war stories about McCain and his family, John McCain actually lived those stories. For my money, I'd rather have a hero than a good writer and editor, but obviously Maureen and the Times are such insular writing nerds that they miss the reference.

"Affirmative Action" as a reference to McCain???? I will just let Geraldine Ferraro speak to that...